FO 415-0003 Graphy Tera Harz Graphy Spinner for removing excessive resin
FO 415-0003 Graphy Tera Harz Spinner for removing excessive resin, Graphy Tera Harz Spinner V2 is an upgraded post-processing solution to remove the residues from the direct aligners. Safe your time, and do it efficiently! TC-85 is a bio-compatible photoreactive polymer that allows you to print your aligners directly. Benefits: uniform thickness, avoiding the usual thinning of a thermoforming sheet. This uniform thickness in turn provides a constant force level ove whole aligner and also a better fit of the aligner afterwards. file:///C:/Users/chf/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/DF3WDT1V/Info233_Graphy_EN_final_web.pdf
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