Kundecase, Opalescence GO


Before and after

with Opalescence Go


By: Sara Jalili, Dentist at Ensjø Tannklinikk


Our clinic uses Opalescense Go as a bleaching agent for patients with discolored teeth. This product is an excellent choice for patients with a nice dental arch, as well as patients without lots of dental restorations.

The end result is highly commendable and we get a lot of positive feedback from happy patients who now have an improved and brighter smile.

The bleaching trays comes as a package containing 10 trays for the upper- and lower jaw (Fig 1). The patient easily places them in the mouth and the bleaching process starts immediately.


Figure 1: The package with tray:

First the patient gets a thorough cleaning with scaling and Airflow in order to get rid of plaque and superficial discolorations and stains.      


We instruct our patients as follows:

  1. We recommend the trays stay in the mouth for 90 minutes after brushing the teeth.
  2. When the trays are put correctly in place some of the bleaching gel will touch the gingiva – we recommend a Q-tip is then used to remove the excess.
  3. All patients are instructed not to consume food or beverages that may stain the teeth during the bleaching period. General tip: Avoid anything you wouldn’t want to spill on a white tablecloth.
  4. Patients may use fluoride to avoid sensitive teeth both during and after treatment.
  5. We recommend bleaching every day for five days for an optimal result.


Figure 2: Patient with trays on:


The patients can then choose to use the remaining bleaching trays if they want to aim for an even better result, but if the desired outcome is reached then they can keep the remaining trays in the refrigerator to use at a later time when needed.

There is also a complimentary toothpaste from Opalescense in the kit.                                                                                             


Figure 3: Before and after bleaching with Opalescence Go.

Here we have a 24-year-old male patient (Fig 3).                                          

The upper photo is before the bleaching process has taken place. The lower photo shows the teeth after bleaching for seven days. The patient was happy with the result and the remaining three trays will therefore be used at a later stage.

A very nice result was achieved after only one week and the patient now has a natural bright smile, as the teeth are several shades brighter than before.

Opalescense has been available for patients for a long time and is therefore known for both patients as well as the dentists. We gain trust from patients when they know that this product is only available at the dental office.



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