Kundecase, Opalescence Office


What a result!

Amazing tooth whitening results within two 20-minute treatments with Opalescence Office


By: Sara Jalili, Dentist at Ensjø Tannklinikk


Tooth whitening protocols can be as complex as the selection of the appropriate whitening agent. When patients require an instant result for teeth whitening or when they have deep discolorations, the solution in our dental practice is the Opalescence Office professional teeth whitening system. The reasons are simple and self-explaining: The professional teeth whitening is applied by your dentist right in the dental office to give you a white smile fast! It’s easy for both the patient and the dentist. The patient can sit and relax while their teeth are getting whiter without any uncomfortable LED lights because the whitening gel is chemically activated.


We receive a lot of positive feedback from happy patients who achieved a whiter and brighter smile thanks to Opalescence Office. This is the perfect tooth whitening system if your patient needs whiter teeth TODAY!

Sara Jalili, Dentist at Ensjø Tannklinikk


Before we initiate the whitening protocol, I always take a pre-whitening photo so I can give the patients their before- and after photo. After the photo our patients receive a professional tooth cleaning treatment to remove stains, plaque, and superficial discolorations.     

Place a self-supporting lip and cheek-retractor. This helps the patient to keep their mouth open in a natural and comfortable position. Then I rinse and dry the teeth and gums thoroughly.

After this I apply a barrier of OpalDam along the gingival margin, overlapping approximately 2-3mm onto the enamel. Light cure the resin for 20 seconds each arch.


When the activator is mixed with the whitening gel, it’s ready to be applied on the teeth. I apply a 1mm thick layer of gel over the buccal surface of the teeth (Fig. 2). Allow the gel to remain on the teeth for 20 minutes. Saliva is periodically suctioned. When 20 minutes has passed, I suction the whitening gel – then I rinse the teeth. After this we repeat the procedure once more.

When the whitening is finished, I take after photos for the patient to see the amazing difference.  The patient can leave the office with a bright white smile!

This shows a 25-year-old female patient before and after the whitening treatment with Opalescence Office. The patient was happy with her new natural smile.


This shows a 63-year-old male patient before and after the whitening treatment with Opalecence Office.


In the Opalescence Office Intro Kit you get all you need:

  • 4x1,2ml Opalesence Office
  • 2x1,2ml OpalDam Green
  • 2x IsoBlocks
  • 2x Fargeskalakort
  • 2x Ultrdent Luer-vakuumadapter
  • 2x SST-Surgical Suction Tip
  • 20X Black Mini Tips

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