LM Extraction


LM Extraction

LiftOut | SlimLift | TwistOut | RootOut


LM LiftOut

Luxation instruments for atraumatic extraction.

LM-LiftOut™ instruments allow teeth to be extracted as atraumatically as possible. This is important to enable rapid healing and future implant placement. The thin tip of the instrument is introduced into the periodontal space and slowly advanced toward the apex of the root while the instrument is twisted gently back and forth. LM-LiftOut™ is not suitable for use as an elevator.

Se LM LiftOut video her!


LM SlimLift

Luxation instruments designed for extremely narrow spaces.

The LM-SlimLift™ instruments are especially designed to reach the spaces that cannot be accessed with traditional luxation instruments. This allows teeth to be extracted as atraumatically as possible, which is important to enable rapid healing. The extremely fine tip of the instrument is introduced into the very narrow periodontal space. The instrument is then slowly advanced towards the apex of the root while being gently turned back and forth. The LM-SlimLift™ is not suitable for use as an elevator.

Se LM SlimLift video her!


LM TwistOut

Elevators for forceful extraction

LM-TwistOut™ instruments are suitable for extracting teeth in situations where strong force or torque must be applied.

Se LM TwistOut video her!


LM RootOut

For delicate root tip removing

  • designed for delicate root teasing procedures
  • not recommended for more substantial root tip removal
  • similar to Heidbrink root tip picks
  • ergonomically designed handle for good grip


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